#1• America was saved from death by prayer Keep up the prayer! America has just faced a serious choice. As a country, these United States were at a crossroads, and thankfully, Americans chose the path of life over the path of death. But even that is not crystal clear. On the one hand, there was one side of the debate arguing explicitly for death. Satan is a clever master, and he does not outright lie, he deceives through false compassion, and so when he uses word like womens rights or reproductive healthcare he makes a great evil actually sound like a good thing. My body my choice we often hear chanted by those who have been deceived by the father of lies. Of course it is a perversion, because the debate about the life or death of unborn babies is not actually about the body of the mother, the argument is whether a mother has a right to kill her baby or not, and at which point that is socially acceptable. Is it acceptable to kill the baby when he or she is 24 weeks, or is it more appropriate at 12 weeks? The liberals wanted abortion for all throughout the pregnancy. The answer to Christians is never; It is never acceptable or appropriate to end an innocent human life because all human life is sacred. So when one side of the debate chose to make the right to kill babies their primary voting issue, they chose to side against God and His good order, His perfect design for our lives. Not just our lives but our very being. We are made in the image of God, and so mutilating a child of God is a direct affront to God. Thankfully, Christians came out and fulfilled their obligation, their duty, to vote against death. A majority of protestants and Catholics voted for life. Contrast that with a majority of those of other faiths and none who voted for death. Fr Calvin Robinson ... entendiendo primero esto, que ninguna profecía de la Escritura es de interpretación privada ... |
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